I figure since most of our hurts come from relationships, so will our healing. - Willie P. Young
This quote has stuck with me all day and my mind has went crazy analyzing the different meanings contained in it.
We feel rejected by God or disappointed by Him, confused, betrayed, and so on and what's the first thing we do? Run to other people. We look for other people and relationships to love us the way we want God to love us.
Or vice versa. Other people have hurt me so I run to God to avenge me but mostly, I'm looking for revenge. I run to God to snitch on my friends and expect Him to change them, but He always ends up changing me.
And then there's the most common. We are in a relationship with someone, they cut us, we replace them with a new relationship. I need to prove to myself that I am worth it, that I am good enough. So I will find someone else to fulfill the relationship I couldn't.
But what if our healing comes from the very same relationship that hurt us? What if when God does something I don't undestand, I look for healing and a deeper relationship with Him?
I'm not saying new relationships can't heal old hurts. I'm saying, do we go into new relationships looking for healing? Or do we play them the same way and hope they turn out differently? I'm guilty. I go about things the same way and rationalize with myself that I already know I can handle the hurt if it happens again. Been there, done that. I go into it knowing I can survive. I don't go into it thinking I can be healed.
There is often some compensation in every trial, if one looked hard enough. - Willie P. Young
What are you looking for? If you look hard enough, you'll find it...
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- Relentliss
- Recent college graduate. Teacher. Sister. Daughter. Blogger. Friend.
Thats really good Elissa! I don't know much more to say.
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