
Shooting Up

"Our days on earth are like grass; like
wildflowers, we bloom and die. The
wind blows, and we are gone- as though we
had never been here. But the love of
the Lord remains forever with those who fear Him."

Psalm 103.16-17 NLT

Nothing I do will last! I can leave no legacy. The only thing that lasts is God's love. No good deeds, no good reputation, no life-changing event lasts the test of time. Only the love of the Lord lasts. The only effect I can ever hope to have on eternity is to plant and water the seed of His love.

I think of it like being a syringe. Injecting God's love into everything I come into contact with- sometimes the injection brings healing, sometimes protection, sometimes drawing the disease itself out.

The syringe can affect nothing outside of itself, it can only take what it has and use it. It doesn't spend all it's time trying to fill itself up.The syringe doesn't decide what or how much goes into it. It simply seeks the right place to inject and fulfills its purpose continuously.

More importantly, it does not judge the one needing the injection. Injections are limitless. Regardless of the need, the syringe performs.

I'm not the cure- just the tool being used to bring the cure. I'm not the miracle, it's the skill of the hands who hold the syringe. It's not the syringe that lasts, but the healing that the syringe brings.


About Me

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Recent college graduate. Teacher. Sister. Daughter. Blogger. Friend.